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BreakThru Academy

An Autistic center where autistic and down syndrome children interact with each other and be trained to faced the real world.

Community Service 

Breakthru Academy Sdn. Bhd. 

Batu 12, Gombak Kuala Lumpur

2017, 2019

Apart from the working life, I have participated in community work during my off days and allows me to give back to the community that is close to home and close to the network of people. Though, I have been helped in street feeding, teaching in refugee centers, to memorable community work is helping with a group of my classmates to an autistic center and help them in creating useful and creative tools for their sports day. Another is a "gotong-royong" effort with a group of friends at an Orang Asli kindergarten that allows a good amount of interactions between the Orang Asli people and the city people like myself.

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